"I did get a new companion today! My new companion is from Iowa, and his name is Elder Burns. He is a spanish missionary, so he can help out with the investigators here that speak spanish, and can assist with the interviews for the spanish District Leaders. He came over from tucson and he was serving as a district leader over there."
Well, we do have our baptism planned for this weekend, so I will send you all pictures next week. This week has been crazy, so i don't have any new pictures to send home to you, but i am trying to do better. I hope that you all have a great week, and i will hear from you all next week. I love you all!"
From Jordan's letter on 2/14/2011:
This past week has been pretty good! On of the investigators that we have been working with got married this past week on Friday! We were able to attend the wedding and Elder Burns and I were the camera men, probably mainly because nobody else out there really knew how to use a camera! haha jk So i was trying to remember all the cool shots that Brandon's friend would take with them, and needless to say I am not going to be a camera man or a barber. 2 professions eliminated. haha They had a great meal though, and it was a pretty fun time."
"In other news, a boy that we are working with got interviewed for baptism yesterday, and he is ready to go! So ready that we actually moved his date up to this weekend, this Friday! 2 baptisms! I am so excited that they are making that covenant with the lord. Last night, we had the whole family over to one of the members houses and had a family home evening with them! It was so fun, and i hope that it helped solidify his testimony. So there is some pretty exciting news for this coming saturday! I am so excited and pray that there will be no problems in getting them there. It is finally warming up here now! Today it was actually about 65 degrees! Perfect weather right? We went mountain biking today for a little bit because it was so nice. We will be doing that more often i have a feeling.
Nothing else to big to update you on. Today is a busy day, like all the rest of the days, but i'm glad to hear that you are all doing well. I love you all and i hope that you have a great week.
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