I just love the children here, they are something else. I might consider adopting one when I'm older. There is one little girl I met this last week who is absolutely adorable! She's just over 1 year old, and she is probably the cutest thing I have seen in Ghana. She even speaks to me, in Twi. It’s pretty funny. We have been contacting a lot this last week, trying to get a more progressing investigator pool. We are contacting so much we're starting to forget where people live and their names.... oops. haha. One lesson we had was with a woman who could not speak English. She can understand it, but can't speak it. So our lesson was taught in English, and she asked questions and things in Twi. I really surprised myself that day. I understood every word of what she was saying! I have no idea how to answer her in Twi, but it was a miracle I could understand that much. The spirit really works through you as a missionary. I see that more and more all the time. This week we have been doing a lot of preparation for the temple trip that is coming up in 2 weeks. We are preparing like 5 members from our unit to go. One of which will be getting his endowments, so that should be awesome. We've been talking with him a lot and trying to prepare him to go. We're also helping those other people who will be doing baptisms for the dead. We're helping them gather info about their deceased ancestors to take to the temple with them when we go. It’s awesome to see them get excited about this kind of stuff. I hope it is setting a permanent pattern for the rest of their lives. So its been fun to see them getting excited about it, and helping them to find the information.
PS- so we're in the internet cafe, and a guy who we were teaching is here. He has some issues with the church, so we stopped teaching him.... people don't realize how much Twi that we can understand. He's totally teaching a lady here about the restoration! hahaha..... oh no......... :)
From Garrett’s letter on 4/24/11
We are teaching some sweet people. We have been teaching this guy named John. He is blind and can’t read anything or see us - but he can visualize things as we teach him. He understands things so well, it’s incredible. He's very involved in his church though, so we'll see if anything comes from it. We'll be teaching him the Book of Mormon this week, that will be a real test. We have also been teaching this older man who's name is George. He is a Seventh Day Adventist, but he is really accepting and loves the message so far. We go through so many new investigators here. We had some awesome stuff happen this week. We had a baptism this last Saturday. We had 2 people baptized. I got to baptize Stephen. Things were a little frustrating before the baptism though. The power and the water were out at our house all Friday and Saturday. Somehow the water started working about 2 hours before the baptism. And so we got the font filled, and then the water went off again. Miracle........ I think so. It was nice to have the Lord's help so it could go on though. I also got to help confirm both Stephen and George, and I also had the privilege to give Stephen the Aaronic priesthood. Stephen is gonna be a powerful guy, I'm stoked for him. His wife is pregnant, and actually just gave birth this morning. They have a new boy.... and Stephen said they are naming him Aaron, after the priesthood. Sweet huh?
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